Hegel H-160 or Parasound Halo Integrated

Has anyone had exposure to these integrated amps?s Both have a DAC and digital connectivity options, the Hegel having more. My interest at this point is primarily how they compare sonically. The digital options are of value to me, but the sound is of greater concern.

Showing 2 responses by steve59

BUMP, Anybody who thinks all watts sound the same being vube or class a,a-b, d whatever needs to listen to hegel> I just had the H 360 in my system, I pulled my anthem 225I out and the midrange came alive. At triple the list price you hear the difference easily. I believe once your speakers reach a quality say $4k and above amplifier quality becomes more important dollar for dollar than upgrading speakers. @ $4000 pair of speakers with $4k amplification will out preform a $6k pair of speakers with $2k in amplification in my experience. No cheating the hangman.
So I just returned the hegel rost int, My system is 2005 ultima salon driven by a parasound a21 with a krell kav 300 il serving as a preamp since it sounded amazing when both amp and pre worked. I used a rega jupiter with a coax out to the rost input and bi amped using the rost to drive the top and the a 21 the bottom.cables and wire are average, kimber 4tc, apature and omniwire digital. I preferred the hegel again in the midrange for the added clarity and realism, the rost 80 wpc wasn't as clean up top in my system but I really had to turn it up compared to the h 360 or a21 alone so if the parasound halo int is comparable to the a 21 in sound I would buy the h160 provided it had the power to drive my speakers full range.  What both hegel products did that my a 21 didn't was get rid of that last little bit of grain that makes the music feel live not recorded. The rost 80 wpc and h360 250 wpc sounded alike and if my speakers didn't need tons of power I would buy it and save $2700 the units sounded so alike that I would expect the same from all the hegel products. My dealer didn't have a h 160 but says a h 190 is a couple weeks out and if it can drive the salon's full range i'll probably buy it. 
for jafant
I bought my anthem 225i after listening to them drive the f 208 at the dealer and then at home driving my f 52's and I still think it's a really good product for the money and it can drive anything but it doesn't have the depth and balance of the parasound or clarity of the hegel's.