Hegel fuse holder

Asking to see if anyone had upgraded the fuses in their Hegel integrated? I’m trying to open up the fuse box, but this thing is jammed shut, so maybe I’m missing something...there’s a flap I see to open it, but it won’t seem to budge.

Any ideas on ways to open this? I imagine someone had trouble installing new fuses and had a workaround.

Showing 1 response by audiosaurusrex

gotta say miller is spot on and knows his stuff. I was one of those non-believers and gave it a shot. Now my fuses, interconnects, speaker cables, PCs and new Powercell UEF SE in my system are just phenomenal. Oh yeah HFTs too.
‘I’ve been a critical listener for almost 40 years and my system has never sounded as good as it does now. SR is not, not snake oil.