Heeeelp New used BAT Vxi3 - Hisssssssss

ok, this cant be normal. I hooked up my new to me but used BAT. XLR from preamp to amp, but using singled ended from CD to Preamp.

I start it up and im getting a rather loud hiss. Volumn independent. It says constant and is the same on all inputs regardless if anything is hooked up or not.

Is this normal. It cant be!

Showing 2 responses by jfrech

Hi tubes can have issues even though it measures ok. I agree with the poster above, if the issue is in one channel, swap tubes (turn off first!! And maybe let cool down a bit). If the noise moves, it's that tube for sure.

This is also normal for tube lovers-tubes can act funny occasionally, especially after shipping or power off/on...

Sometimes it can be a dirty tube socket (the ringing however hints at a bad tube)