Heavy Vinyl

I did a search and see that this hasn't been discussed in quite a while. Heavy vinyl is touted as being better for sound quality. I wonder about this. For a start, it is more susceptible to warps and particularly those short duration warps that really give the cartridge a hard time. Second, in my own listening across a fairly extensive record collection, I'm not hearing any particular sonic revelations from heavier records. I'm more inclined to believe that the critical factor is the quality of the vinyl  and the stampers used rather than the thickness of it. Other thoughts?


Showing 1 response by gowanus

I have a number of 180g recordings and can't recall any warped ones. Audiophile recordings are for a tough crowd and perhaps more care is taken in their manufacturing. OTOH, most folks my age (nearing 70) will have less than fond memories of making additional trips to the record store to return hopelessly warped commercial recordings during the 1970s (when vinyl got cheaper and thinner).