Heavy power cord

I purchased a signal power cord... with it plugged into my SVS sub woofer  there's definitely a difference...
I can't seem to keep it plugged in due to its weight...any suggestion?

Showing 2 responses by geoffkait

Mapleshade and I applied Super String Theory to the fabulous set up at CES. All power cords and speaker cables were suspended from eye hooks in the ceiling by string, with a rubber band at one end. Shannon Dickson said it looked like Plan 9 from Outer Space. The Nakamichi Dragon CD Transport and separate DAC were isolated on my Nimbus sub Hertz platform, the DAC sitting on the underslung ballast of the iso platform. The CD Transport created a strong vacuum around the CD 💿 once it was inserted. You know, for an extra stage of isolation. Better safe than sorry! 🤗
If you have your amp up on an iso stand you MUST suspend, prop up, or otherwise eliminate any forces the power cord may exert on the iso device as external forces ruin the isolation effectiveness. The amp must be free to move in all directions of isolation even if the iso stand is one direction 🔛🔝