Heaven or Hell

After a long day at work I sit down to listen to my stereo and behold the seas part and yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus the Stereo Gods have granted me a rare evening of audiophile heaven but now I ask you why cant I stay in this state of rapture as the following day at the same time listening to the same music the seas refuse to part and Im here in a state of disbelief. Can anyone tell me why its so hard to stay in that elusive zone? Explanations appreciated.
Another vote here for power issues or something other than the mind. The difference in sound qualty was just too drastic in my case to be in my mind set. Things turned for the better once I introduced my power conditioner into my system.
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It's the music. Dont listen to the same music 2 days in a row. Get out and buy some more....
It's your interconnects degrading over time from consistency. If you work out you'll understand the concept of not working one part of your body every day. Stereo's, specifically interconnects, require "exercise" at different times, volumes and musical styles. What you're experiencing is interconnect atrophy.
Buy a PurePower AC regenerator and your problems with changing sound quality will end!

Mine absolutely did.