Heat sinking op-amps - any audio improvements?

Is there any evidence out there that supports claims that installing a heat sink on an op-amp can improve performance? I’m debating trying some on some NE5532’s. Worth the effort?


Showing 2 responses by dpop


Why not? It's an inexpensive tweak and can easily reverted.

Most definitely. I didn't reply, because I had already decided in my mind that I was going to do a little experimenting anyways. IMO, it's the perfect winter project. I have some NE5532's that have been powered up for around 21 years 24-7-365. I applaud that chip, and the design of the piece of equipment they are installed in. I know it sounds crazy, but maybe keeping them even a little bit cooler might be beneficial.     


If you are going to add heat sinks, the voltage regulators are a great place to start.

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.


Thanks for the article!