Heat in class A equipment

Heat is one of the biggest enemies of electronic equipment. Does anyone know if this Heat is only at the output transistors and their heatsinks o8is it also present in other components within the unit. 


I was planning to remove the top cover and with a IR thermometer going to check temps..


Has anyone done this? 


Showing 1 response by lucky_doggg7

I have Class A amps from Pass Labs rated for 200 watts; they're big, they're bad-ass and they're happening!  All jokes aside, I don't concern myself with that (meaning heat), because it is what it is.  First and foremost, I bought these puppies for their sound, and they make my Von Schweikert VR-6 floor standers sing like nothing else.  Ehh, what I'm driving at is just take the good with the bad, because everything in life has some sort of compromise.  For me, it must make my speakers sing, and sing they do so that makes me content.  Anyways, I wish you happy trails on your OCD hunt for heat off your amps...  Hah!