Hearing loss. How much do you care about your ability to hear?

Partly inspired by stories such as Huey Lewis tour cancellation due to hearing loss and my own admission I had to get tested and now wear hearing aids.
Much discussion is made about equipment, room acoustics, wiring and noise. But how about your ability to hear well? Do you ever think about it? How much have you done for your own hearing health?
Also, how much do YOU think this affects your ability to evaluate quality sound?

Showing 2 responses by gdnrbob

My hearing has been affected by high level headphone use in my earlier years. Nothing too serious, but it has affected my high frequency discernment. Audiologist testing said I was OK, but I disagree. I know I have a slight degradation in one of my ears.
Now, I listen at low to mid volume and try to preserve what I still have left.
Considering how human life expectancies have increased from 40 to 60 to 90's. I feel that all the +55's out there should accept some degradation in our sensory range, let alone our hair...