Hearing aids for audiophiles.

I’ve chosen to walk away from the sirens, horns, gunshots heading both directions, and all the damage it’s done (doing) to my hearing.  Through the miracle of hearing aids I’d like to bring back my hearing as close as possible to my youth mostly for the purposes of accurate and full tonal musical listening, and then, of course, to hear the voices of my loved ones better.  To those of you who’ve gone down this road, what are recommended brands and non-recommended brands, as well as any pitfalls to be aware of?  Costs and sizes are factors also.  Thanks,
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xanotherbob
I was going to say cupping ones hands behind their ears! Really does work parabolicly speaking.
FWIW I have worn hearing aids for over 15 years. I started with "in the canal" versions. They are ok but the my current are behind the ear and give the best possible audio experience. They are Starkey Audibel Via. They a rechargeable bluetooth and pair with your phone for calls, music video. I got their TV interface and what an experience to understand conversations from movies again. Keep in mind that hearing aids are not a perfect fix for hearing like you can get for your eyes through surgery. 
Oticon More 1. Not cheap but excellent hearing aids. I could not believe how much sound I was missing in regular life, music was just an add on. 
@nitroxpro The snobbery of audiophiles here is so awful that it is embarrassing. 

your post is ridiculous, all I see here are great suggestions other than @fiesta75 and it was just a stupid post.