Hearing aids for audiophiles.

I’ve chosen to walk away from the sirens, horns, gunshots heading both directions, and all the damage it’s done (doing) to my hearing.  Through the miracle of hearing aids I’d like to bring back my hearing as close as possible to my youth mostly for the purposes of accurate and full tonal musical listening, and then, of course, to hear the voices of my loved ones better.  To those of you who’ve gone down this road, what are recommended brands and non-recommended brands, as well as any pitfalls to be aware of?  Costs and sizes are factors also.  Thanks,
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Showing 1 response by sameyers1

+Widex - The Apple AirPod Pro may have software, but so does Widex. The audiologist sets the hearing aids to augment the frequencies your hearing test indicates need boost. You can customize the balance and there is a tone control for bass, midrange and treble. Also, using the Soundsense Learn function you can let the software suggest alternatives and create customized settings for different kinds of music. But all of this is moot to the extent that none of these products can restore your original hearing at the highest frequencies (above about 10k Hz). For me they made a material improvement to the frequencies above 3k Hz, where my hearing loss began. I now hear cymbals and similar sounds that were not audible until I got the hearing aids. If the Apple AirPods can effect the same improvement, great. But they are larger than hearing aids. The Widex products are far more costly at $4k or more per pair.