Hearing aid correction bandwidth

I notice when listening to a frequency sweep recording that I really can't hear anything above 10khz.  I also have a sharp 10 dB divot in my hearing at about 3,900 hz. Tinnitus in one ear, too.
Watching a few dozen YouTubes, I find the hearing aid companies appear to only measure and correct your hearing hearing between 250hz and 8khz.
So is there any help to get that top octave back?

Showing 1 response by tablejockey

Human voice is somewhere up to 8Khz.

My hearing is diagnosed good up to 7Khz and RAGING tinnitus. I hear music detail just as good as I did 20 years ago. Actually, better now with a good turntable.

Everyone is different but, can you really not hear those upper notes in your favorite music? We don't listen to test records. I have a few of those test LP's. It definitely confirms my test results when a 8Khz tone is played.

That said, anything I listen to sounds the same(actually better) from 40+ years ago-to my ears.