Heard the Swan Diva 2.1 s? Opinions?

Saw the Ad for these ere at Audiogon, but cant seem to
find many reviews out there. Are these ment to be
comparable to the B&W 805's? Though leagues cheaper, they
look similar.


Showing 2 responses by petewhitley


I had them for about 2 weeks and 100 hours and did not like them one bit. They were extremely bright and harsh. I returned them for full refund. I've tried quite a few monitors and these are by far the worst I have heard. Of the ones I've owned I like the Reynaud Twins($850), Magnepan MMG's($550), or Axiom M3ti($275).

I was really dissapointed with the Diva's. They are beautiful speakers and I had high hopes for them.

Good Luck,

I hope they work out for you. (<:

Check out the Audio Refinement Complete integrated amp. I'm very, very pleased with mine. It has a nice laid back sound.