Heard the B&W N804d3s ...

I've owned the original iteration of the N804s since I bought them new in '01. After 15 years, I thought perhaps it was time to upgrade to a newer model. So, I auditioned the new N804d3s at a local retailer. They sounded great, and are an improvement over the originals in the areas of bass slam and airiness. However, that step up to my ears is equivalent to about 10-15%. Not sure that that sort of improvement justifies the price ($9K for the d3s vs. $3,500 for the original N804s), although "upgradeitis" tempts me to pull the plug. Is it just me, or does the law of diminishing returns apply in this case? Your thoughts on this or the qualitiative differences between the old and new Nautilus lines would be most appreciated.


Showing 2 responses by samac


Positioning will have a big affect on the results you get from a speaker that size in a room that small. If you haven't, you might want to try a diagonal set-up with the speakers firing from one corner to the opposite corner.

You have a great system. I bet you can get satisfying results by experimenting with placement. My only concern (and I'm just speculating) is that the 804N might actually be too big for your room. I don't have experience with a speaker that size in a room that size; maybe others who do will chime in on that.



Congratulations, enjoy, sounds like the Rhythmik is doing a great job.

