Heard the B&W N804d3s ...

I've owned the original iteration of the N804s since I bought them new in '01. After 15 years, I thought perhaps it was time to upgrade to a newer model. So, I auditioned the new N804d3s at a local retailer. They sounded great, and are an improvement over the originals in the areas of bass slam and airiness. However, that step up to my ears is equivalent to about 10-15%. Not sure that that sort of improvement justifies the price ($9K for the d3s vs. $3,500 for the original N804s), although "upgradeitis" tempts me to pull the plug. Is it just me, or does the law of diminishing returns apply in this case? Your thoughts on this or the qualitiative differences between the old and new Nautilus lines would be most appreciated.


Showing 15 responses by rlb61

Thanks to everyone for their comments and advice. I'm now one very happy camper.
Quite frankly, I still dig the sound and looks of the N804s (which I think are designed nicer than the current model). Just wish it had a bit more bass.  Maybe a really good sub would do the trick.
Thanks, folks. My system is the N804s, a Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista CD, BAT VK-3i preamp, Musical Fidelity A300cr power amp (225 wpc), and Magnum Dynalab MD-102 FM tuner. Cabling is Cardas Golden Reference. Old stuff, I know, but it has served me well and provided many hours of happy listening. As far as expectations, essentially I would like a bit more bass. I am happy with the speakers otherwise. Also, my listeningroom is treated with materials from GIK Acoustics ... the room is small, about 9x10 with 8' ceilings (typical converted bedroom).
Thanks for the suggestions, folks. After due consideration, I’ve decided to keep my N804s and supplement them with a sub ... specifically, a Rhythmik L12. If I don’t like the sub, I can return it for a full refund within 45 days. Also, I played around with positioning a bit, and there was a point where the speakers appeared to snap into focus ... don’t know how else to describe it. What do you think of my solution?
@ mb1audio ... My speakers used to be set up in dining room/living room combination in my old condo. It was the same issue back then ... I think the fact that the N804s lowest frequency response is 42 -45 Hz is the problem for me. While the bass is tuneful, it’s missing that tiny bit of "oomph" for which I’m looking.

@ smac ... Not sure that the speakers are too big for the room. A monitor speaker likely would result in the same circumstance given their similar and typical frequency response to the N804. I’ll try the sub to see if that makes a positive difference, and then will post the results.

Thanks to all for your input.
Given the size of my room, 9x10x8, the 800N or 802D2 are way too big for the space. In the current line-up, I would have to look at either the 804 or 805.
Given that the B&Ws have aluminum tweeters, I wanted to compensate for that by a different type of material. Hopefully, it will be fine.
@wlutke ... Thanks for the suggestion. I’m kind of stuck in this converted bedroom as all other available space is taken up. So, I will try the sub since the lowest FR of the N804s is 45Hz +/- 2dB, which is a bit lean even when compared to some monitors; the sub may fill in the deficient area. Since I listen to 2-channel only, and don’t do HT, FR from the sub at even 30Hz should do the trick. If that doesn’t work, I may just keep the sub and sell the N804s for a monitor speaker.
@shadorne ... that's exactly what I intend to do for now. I just want a little "oomph" in the bottom end, that's all. I really like the sound of the N804s. The 804d3s are no slouches, trust me, and they are a bit of a different flavor; however, to me, that flavor simply doesn't appear to justify $9 grand worth of ice cream.
@knownothing ... I agree with you that the N804s are basically monitors with built-in stands. The purpose of the sub in this application is not to get the lowest bass possible, but simply to embellish the existing bass slightly. For my very small room with space limitations, the L12 should be quite sufficient, both cone-wise and size-wise ... Enrico, from Rhythmik, agrees with this. After I get the L12 set up and integrated, I’ll post the results. If this doesn't work, I likely will keep the sub, sell the N804s, and purchase stand-mounted speakers. My fingers are crossed.
UPDATE ... So, I received the L12 yesterday and have integrated it into my system with a cross-over at about 55Hz. Integration was seamless and quite easy. The L12 has made a huge difference in that: (a) it gives me that extra bit of articulate, bottom "oomph" for which I have been looking without sounding boomy; and (b) mids and highs have more clarity and presence, perhaps due to relieving the cross-overs from digging down deep. This is my first experience with a sealed subwoofer and it has really improved my system and listening experience tremendously ... plus, it has prevented me from spending $9K on new speakers, just to get that little "extra" low end which the L12 provides in abundance.