Headphone amps HD what are the choices?

I'm lost a little..pretty new to headphones :p

the headphones out of the sound card i will be getting the is not really good compare to the quality of it's normal line out..the stereo dac that was used + the small amp doesn't give any good headphone justice in quality ( the signal range is pretty bad also)

i will be purchasing HD-580 or Hd-600 in maximum 2weeks

so i'm on the market for a small good quality headphone amp
i need something that will match up good with the sennheiser's and something that will leave the sound untouched as much as possible
i am on a really tight budget
and i don't know anything about headphone amps!

SO this is where YOU knowledge people come into play! I need advice on what to look for, what kind of $$$ will i be paying for what range of quality ( i do not care to buy used at all)!!

Did i say i was on a tiite budget? hihi :)

Thanks all for your time and comments :)

Showing 1 response by esun

You should check


The first two are forums and information sites. The last site is Headroom's commercial site that also contains loads of good information. I personally have an MG Head DT tube headphone amp as well as a Headroom "Little" amp. I use my HD-600's with both of these amps and am quite satisfied. Would be hard to choose between them, because they are very different amps. If you are running sound out of a computer, then I assume you play MP3's more than CD's. The MG Head DT, though very clear and tight, might be slightly more forgiving of the lesser quality sound of MP3's. Another budget priced amp I have heard great things about, but never heard, is the Corda amp, at


Jan Meier, the guy who runs this site is great to deal with. I bought some AKG 1000s from him. he probably has the best deals on Sennheiser stuff too. His store is in Germany but his site is in english and the shipping here is surprisingly quick.

Good Luck