Headphone Amp Question not a HD600/RS-1 debate

OK, I've done my homework (I think) but I value the advice of you experts that have been around the block a couple of times. I've been to the headphone sites. I've read more then my fair share of debates over the best headphones, etc..I have Sennheiser 590 (not 600/580's) and I'm quite happy with them overall. However my new system doesn't have a integrated headphone amp and now with my girlfriend moving in, I think this may become my most important piece of equipment. My system is as follows:

McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe (with HG Silver Lace 1m IC's)
Conrad Johnson PV10a (with the phono)
Phillips CD/DVD player
DH Labs Q10 speaker cables
B&W 805 Nauts on Target 60 stands

Now, I don't want to spend a lot of money, but I'm assuming that the CJ tube with the SS amp (McCormack) also holds true for the headphones and what I need is a respectible SS amp. However, the 590's as everyone likes to point out are "bright" and my thinking was that a tube Headphone amp might tame this a bit. So, two questions.

1. Set up. I'm assuming I can hook the RCA's into my CJ (it has two sets of Mains and I'm assuming one is for the speaker amp and the other is for the headphone amp) Documentation doesn't say?? Someone please confirm or is there another way to set up a headphone amp.

2. Choices for a good match to my system and the Senn 590's
I'd like to keep the total cost way under $500.

- Looking at the Grado, Creek lines for SS
- Looking at ASL (antique sound labs) for Tubes
- Looking at early Marantz product(2265) double as tuner
(advice from the www.head-fi.com folks.).
- Lastly does anyone have any feed back on the Meta42 amp on these Headphone sites, they sound very interesting.

Sorry for the long write up. Please help!!!

Showing 1 response by whyt_rabbit

Some good information from you guys, but I was hoping to get some more suggestions or a discussion on how critical a good amp is for headphones??