HE2004 in San Francisco this year

I would like to get other people's opinion on what they think this show will be like this year. I went last year and had a good time. This year, things are different. This will be the second show this year, not counting CES. It costs quite a bit of money for each vendor to put this together, and since it is so close to CES this year, I'm just wondering if a lot of vendors will skip this altogether or scale back to ramp up for CES.
It's hard to tell. I think the big players (i.e. Denon, Sony, Yamaha etc.) will be there to show their "fall lines". Perhaps the small companies close to the West coast will too. I'm still wondering why they planned this show so close to the holidays and CES.
According to Sam Tellig's current column in Stereophile, Mike Creek and Roy Hall will be unveiling a much more upmarket line of Creek gear. Should be quite interesting, I know I am curious to see what Mike comes up with.
I've heard from at least one manufacturer that he'll be skipping HE2004 because CES is so close to it. I'm sure it will be good anyway - I'll certainly be there.
Btw, according to their web site HE2004 is cancelled this year due to the hotel dispute ;-(
Took a while to get to Audiogon but, yes, it has been cancelled. See: