HD Tracks album details

Where do you get album details such as remaster dates or release dates for the HD tracks downloads? At least for CDs on Amazon, for example, they will have a number of issues of different release dates, remaster history, etc. There seems to be no such info on HD Tracks. Also, do they use the same master of the 24 bit/96K as the 24 bit/196K versions? They do not clarify one way or the other.

I do not want to get burned buying an expensive download of a crappy source. Got burned when downloading HD high res of String Cheese Incident concerts. One night the sound recording was fantastic, the night before it was crap-sounded like the sound tech was asleep.

Showing 1 response by orpheus10

The questions you ask are not as relevant as you might think. The most important question is the quality of the original recording. Some current CD's, that were recently recorded, are as good as HD downloads; while some HD downloads of old records are a waste of time. It's a "tricky wicket" because each case is unique.

Enjoy the music.