Have you treated your listening space?

I see lots of pictures of $$$ systems in bare rooms.
What are the barriers for you to treat your room, or if you have already what benefits have you rendered?
I have improved the sound more than any other way by addressing the reverberant space that my system occupies.

"I would rather listen to a midfi system in a hifi room than a hifi system in a mifi room."

Showing 1 response by rhyno

look at my system pics.

my high dollar stereo would sound mid fi (and did) until i added the ASC traps and bass panels (DIY). diffusors on front wall helped as well.

IME, in a small - mid size room, they're a requirement.

the 2 most neglected factors in audio are room treatments & power conditioning. money spent here will yield bigger returns than in upgrading electronics.