Have you seen the VR9SE Review?

There is a new review that has been posted on Positive Feedback Online (http://www.positive-feedback.com/Issue26/lavigne_vr9.htm) about the Von Schweikert VR9SE speakers. It is very different than any review I have read in the way it chronicles the experience of Mike Lavigne over the past year and a half's experiences with these speakers.


Showing 2 responses by onhwy61

While I thought it was a fascinating story about an audiophile's pursuit for high quality sound, it really wasn't a very good review. The was much writing about swapping equipment and tweaking settings, but very little about how the loudspeaker sounds. Sure there was talk about bass linearity, detail, air and depth, but was there a single mention of how a specific piece of music sounded? Although he mentions at several times that he has a custom designed room I wish he would have gone into more detail about the design goals of the room and its effect on the speaker's performance. I suspect one of the reasons he had so much trouble coming to grip with the speaker's sound was due his unfamiliarity with new room and the near total turnover of the rest of his system. Finally, I would have liked a comparison with other statement oriented speakers.

It's not really a review, but a story.
Yes I did read the entire article and I stand by my earlier comments. I certainly didn't mean any disrespect towards Mikelavigne (and I don't think he took it that way), but even he describes the article as less than a review.

One think I wish he would comment on is the after purchase supports from both Rives and VS. How did they assist him in getting the performance his system is capable of delivering?