Have you recently lost a close audiophile buddy? What has it taught you?

Man lost my closest audiophile buddy last year. It’s been tough. Audiophiles are different. We are a whole other breed. Taught me to enjoy the music and be thankful for what we do have!

Showing 1 response by oddiofyl

I lost a good friend two years ago, he was in the industry but was a music lover to the core.....  had over 5000 albums and a few thousand CDs 

I was going through a tough time, I had recently come close to dying and had a long road back, but it was nothing compared to how he suffered.   He went down hill fast and was gone in 8 months ....It taught me that life is short and there's always someone out there worse off than you.

I miss digging out classic deep tracks and talking hi fi.....