Have YOU Heard?

Looking to purchase the McIntosh MC255 Power Amp along with the McIntosh MX123 AV Pre Amp.
I will also be able to BI-AMP the L/R speakers with this Amp and will buy a separate Amp for the rear channels.

Now, to help keep things on track I am only interested in those that have evaluated the Amp. McIntosh claims a
  • More than twofold increase in dynamic headroom
Has anybody been able to confirm this claim and what was your overall impression of the Amp? Better yet if you have the MX123 mated with it what did your ears hear? There are reviews out there but I am looking for a real listener and not a paid one.
I know many will want to offer advice on other equipment or their thoughts on McIntosh equipment being over rated, etc..etc..but I'm a Mac guy and only a Mac guy.I will be mating this system with B&W 803 D3's in the near future..and yes there are other speakers....but, you guessed it, I am a B&W kinda guy.

I only buy Mac amps and I am strictly 2 channel so I cant speak to this amp/control center combo. But I will say that after using many MAC amplifiers over the last 40 years This Mc255 amp reminds me of my current amplifier (which I Love) the McIntosh Mc352 (design by Charlie Randall) this is a double balanced push pull solid state design and it sounds fantastic and Dynamic headroom is listed at 2.1 while the MC255 is rated at 3.6! I think your going to love it I know I would.

Matt M
Currently have a MC7270, it's about 40 years old and sounds just fine.
One of the reason for these Mac picks is because of the diversity they allow. With the MX123 if you want 2 channel, you can, 3 channel,okay..up to 13/2 channels which I will never use.

You should be set with that MC352 the only thing better would be to have two:)