Have you gotten great sound in a small er room?

I have a room that's 13 x 20 with the old part of the room having 8' ceilings and the newer construction nearly 10'. I found that firing the speakers across the short wall was interesting sonically: more open-sounding than firing down the long wall (which I've traditionally done). The sound is more layered, but the imaging diffuse. However, the sidewall reflections are much more reduced (and i have considerable ASC tube traps, and an ASC wall damp in the room.
What's your experience in a smaller room? Were you able to get both the music, and the soundstaging to cohere in a smaller room?

Showing 2 responses by mapman

I have very good success in my 12X12 room using corner approach as described above + assymetrical and fairly wide placement of speakers relative to the corner. Works very well with both my smaller OHM omnis and Dynaudio Contour monitors.
I do pretty much what Schubert said. THe trick in a small room is finding the room to do it. Utilizing two walls + corner in the front rather than a single wall alone just provides more options to try particularly when space is tight. Asymmetrical placements even more so.

Or just go nearfield as another option and completely forget about the room acoustics for the most part.