Have you ever deceived your wife-audio purchase

This could lead to a hysterical thread. How many audiophiles have come home with an expensive amp/preamp/and told their wife they bought it for practically nothing? Only to have paid 3-4K they had in their private stash? How many audiophiles have secretly installed a new "toy" in their audio system thinking their wife wouldn't notice. My old girlfriend thought anything beyond a boombox was excessive. Whenever I would upgrade my system,I would come up with some far fetched tale(lie) Would love to hear your story.......
Gogamecocks I have been down the jewelry path. However, I was able to tie that purchase with an anniversary event. Most guys really aren't into anniversary or birthday gifts for ourselves. If we want it we just buy it. I did build up some credit points by buying an expensive necklace for our anniversary. Of course for myself I didn't want a gift. She felt so guilty that I was able to re-build my system without a lot of resistance. Also, one of her comments is that she really can't tell the difference with the upgrades. I think it's because she doesn't take the time to be a critical listener. I did have somewhat of a breakthrough over the weekend. My system is down because my preamp is being upgraded. She really missed not having music in the house and the boom box just didn't cut it......there is hope!
After reading these stories I have to laugh at some of the extreme things guys will do to keep up with the hobby. Makes me glad I'm not married and that I can buy equipment whenever I please. Oh someday I will be (I know, I know), and I'll have to remember to print this page out to "learn". :)
Boy, would I love to be able to say I was straight up with the s.o. about it all. The music has lifted me out of depression countless times. But I wonder if I would have been less depressed if my companion and I had both found the same pleasure in it.

I've mentioned the great deals, the bargain prices I've paid by shopping here so many times that she has to be aware it's not the whole story. A 2 grand kitchen reno we planned still hasn't happened, but I have a new cartridge; a line of credit she hadn't known about showed up when we remortgaged the house. ( No we didn't get a second mortgage just to pay for the audio system ! ) A couple of windfall back paycheques went on Music, the food of love, not on a vacation together in the Greek isles.

So now I'm writing this as a public declaration that tweaks are where it's at, and that new speaker cables, a tone arm and a power conditioner will not happen for a long time if at all. This is hard to say. I notice an intensity or rush behind my upgrade ideas, and I think it's due to aging. What if I never get to hear how my LP12 sounds with a Breuer? (Gad... a Breuer... )

What if it never gets any closer to perfection than this?

Say "no big deal" to that? Not easy. And yet (I hate to say it, especially here) I somehow think it will be easier to say "no big deal" to that, than to say the same thing if I never get to see the Greek islands with my companion.

I want it all, I may get one. Wish me luck, eh.