Have you ever broken the needle?

I just purchased a Wilson Benesch cartridge (used) at a very reduced price. However when mounting this georgeous piece of equipment the pliers slipped when attaching the wires thus pushing the housing into the #$%&%!* needle and snappinig it clean off. Right there my heart quit pumping. Maybe CD's are the best way to go. Tell me your sob story. I need a good laugh.

Showing 2 responses by marakanetz

I broke Lyra Lydian Beta stylus(cantilever was OK) just like you during mounting my new cartridge and sent it over to VanDenHul where they charged significantly less money than in Japan. Anyway Lyra uses VanDenHul stylus.
On the other hand I still had Benz Glider(it's already more than 6000 hours on that one with original stylus and cantilever and it doesn't change!!!) so temporarily I could listen for it. Now I've got Helikon and Benz M.9 as a backup.