Have you ever broken the needle?

I just purchased a Wilson Benesch cartridge (used) at a very reduced price. However when mounting this georgeous piece of equipment the pliers slipped when attaching the wires thus pushing the housing into the #$%&%!* needle and snappinig it clean off. Right there my heart quit pumping. Maybe CD's are the best way to go. Tell me your sob story. I need a good laugh.

Showing 3 responses by herman

My dog got frisky one night and decided to run in circles around the room. On one lap, her leg snagged the power cord to my turntable and pulled it off the shelf causing considerable damage to the table, arm, cartridge, and ruined the record.

The album and table have been replaced, may my late dog rest in peace.

Oh come on, I'm just kidding. She did wreck my table but all is forgiven and she still reclines on a comfy pillow between the speakers.
I just sent my Wilson Benesch Analog cartridge back to WB to be retipped/rebuilt for $300. I haven't gotten it back yet so I can't be sure of the results. But the price is very reasonable.
I got that price from the US distributor. I sent the cartridge to him and he forwarded it to Wilson Benesch. The way I understand it, they also rebuild by replacing the suspension. According to the distributor, putting a new tip on an old catridge is only half the job.