Have you changed your mind about a brand? Was it you, or them?

I've changed my mind about many things.  Beer for instance.  Now I can really only drink IPAs and dark beers. Lagers?  Phooey.  This is very different than what I drank in my 20s though. 

Same for audio gear. 

So let me ask all of you, are there brands or equipment you've changed your mind about, for better or worse?  And if so, why?  It doesn't have to be a brand, it can be a TYPE or technology.

For instance, I used to love Ti and Be tweeters.  Now usually can't listen to them.

What about you?

Showing 1 response by justmetoo

Ok, being of German descent Lager beer is where its at for myself.
Windhook Lager is just jolly fine too - and of course all brewed to "German Reinheitsgebot" i.e. no 🌽 Mais, rice 🍚 , or any other unspeakable stuff added to replace barley malts. 

As for Audio... B&W is one brand I lost my 'emotional' connection to.
Gone from affordable floorstanders to way-out pricing and still no more tickling my sound bone.
The first Wilson Watt/Puppy I listened to during a 1996 audition in Germany.
I didn't 'connect' then - too hyped up a reproduction - a second higher version number of same construction, at my then home in Pretoria SA... terrible sounding bass performance, bad on my ears, and plain wrong to me. 
Though I till beleave Wilson creates some amazing newer items, though completely unaffordable for my liking AND my purse. 
So... disenchanting as well, overall. Maybe I was never enchanted in real-life, just by circumstances? But yeah, surely tickled by them fantastic reviews.
M. 🇿🇦