Have you become too jaded with this hobby???

Greetings fellow A'goners.After posting a reply to a question in another forum section I started pondering if this was happening to me.I had put together a modest system that one of my coworkers(who happens to play bass in a band that just opened for Dokken & is getting ready to cut thier first record for a major lable)was completely blown away by.He had NEVER heard a stereo system that sounded so good according to him & decided he wanted me to help him build a system.A short while later I screwed up & killed my integrated amp so I sold off everything in the name of the almighty upgrade.After my reply in the other forum I now wonder if I am heading down the slippery slope of diminishing returns...So my question to all of you is this:Have you become so jaded by this hobby that you can NOT sit down in front of a VERY simple,inexpensive but well put together & set up system without disecting everything you hear & only focusing on what the system does NOT do,or can you still just listen to a simple VERY inexpensive system or a small portable radio & still enjoy the music?I look forward to your replies,Take care...

Showing 1 response by nonoise

Thanks to the hobby aspect, I enjoy music all the more. The two go hand in hand. Hobby, the first part, is the quest for better equipment which results in better music appreciation, that second part we sometimes forget about.
Getting jaded is easy if your funds are low, the piece you bought doesn't do it for you, or you come to the realization that what you had was good enough. I've been there but thanks to sites like this, you can recoup some of your investment, make friends, get great advice, and move on, being all the more discerning. Hopefully.
I would never say I got jaded, just bummed or frustrated, but not enough to turn me off to this hobby. In fact, these bad experiences just whetted my appetite for something better.