Have you asked yourself this question?

Lately I have thought about selling my entire analog set-up:  Turntable, phono preamp, and vinyl collection.  It's a good system, but my digital system sounds good enough that I don't listen to the analog system any more.

For purposes of illustrating my dilemma, my system is as follows:

Analog system:  Linn Sondek LP12, upgraded with Lingo II power supply, Karousel bearing, and trampolin suspension.  Loci Psionic Tonearm with practically new Clearaudio Maestro cartridge.  PS Audio Stellar Phono Preamp.  Plus, about 450 records, mostly popular stuff from the late 60s, 70s and 80s.

Digital System:  Metrum Acoustics Streamer (Roon endpoint) plus Metrum Onyx DAC.

Just curious if any of you have thought about selling your entire analog rig, because you don't listen to it.  What did you finally decide? Interested in your experiences.


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The choices available today are myriad.  I am 75 and have had decent equipment for at least 55 years.  That includes most means of listening to music, vinyl, R2R, including 4 channel, cassettes, CDs including SACDs, streaming.  Having lost my analog gear and most all albums in a divorce many years ago O have not replaced them.  Yet now, I feel a strong pull to go analog again.

Yes, streaming is Very convenient, but I don't mind getting up every 25 minutes to flip an album.  There is value in reconnecting with your youth IMHO.  I must confess to having enjoyed a 1958 Bugeye Sprite, even though I recently sold it as my wife could no longer get in it due to her knees.

My point is that we all need to find our own nirvana with respect to listening and opinions of anyone else have no meaning to what can make you happy, find your on bliss and revel in it!