Have i reached the limit or do i get a new preamp

I set out a few months ago to imprvove my humble system. Plan was to use my NAD c352 as a power amp and buy a preamp (under $900) to improve soundstage and dynamics. Instead i got a great deal on a b&k ref 2220 power amp in mint condition. Couldn't pass it up, and now i am using the NAD as a preamp. To my ears, a huge improvement. But the question lingers, is there a way to improve my system one last notch. I do think i am that close to squeezing everything out that i can: Cyrus 8x cd with separate power supply. Brass feet on maple block . Diamondback and hero interconnects. Tetra 120u speakers with bedrock cables and lead filled sanus stands. Pangea power cords. Great sound. But is there more with a different preamp, or do i start over at the next level (not gonna do it). Thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by tomaswv

Thought I'd close this out. It's been several months ago, I found a good deal on an Anthem AVM20 processors and I couldn't be happier with the improvement in sound. It's five channel and without HDMI, but perfect for my 2.1 set up.

It gives me bass management and I can vary the crossover for the signals that go to my monitors. Taking the digital signal from my Cyrus works better than letting the Cyrus convert to analog, which was a surprise but confirmed by a few blind tests. All of this, as you all predicted, is a distinct class step up from the NAD. System is really sounding great, if I must say so myself.