Have I Hit The Point Of Diminishing Returns?

System ... Musical Fidelity Nu Vista CD, Bat VK-3i Preamp, Musical Fidelity A300cr power amp, Magnum Dynalab MD-102 Tuner, B&W N804 speakers, Cardas Golden Reference speaker (bi-wire) and ICs. I realize my rig is a bit dated, but it sounds great. If I were to upgrade, how much better could it get? Have I hit the point of diminishing returns where a lot more $$ gets only a small % increase in sound quality? If not, what component would you suggest upgrading and why? Thanks to all.

Showing 1 response by mapman

I would respectfully disagree that improvement means spending a lot more.

Its more about getting the right stuff working the right way in your space. Lots of ways to do that and it can even end up costing less over time, especially if one takes an immediate plunge into the high end audio deep water.