Just asking the question. If you don’t  believe in cables. Good for you. But if you do have you ever made a cable change that opened up your system to new heights. Just interested if you have or haven’t. If you don’t believe in cables this isn’t a thread for you. What are your thoughts ?


I noticed a very nice improvement when I went to using Cerious Technologies Graphene Lumniscate speaker cables. The music details were clear and had a bigger soundstage. I also noticed a nice improvement in sound when I went with a full lume of Veritas XLR cables in my system. Cables do make a difference, but everyone has their preferences and it’s system dependent.

Simple answer, no.

Yes I’ve heard differences and sometimes improvements but nothing earth shattering.

The biggest difference I've heard was with the addition of Silversmith Fidelium speaker cables.

@OP:  @calvinj

Mr. Calvin Johnson, did you initially disclose, prior to starting this (and your other) threads, that you peddle a line of cables? If not, do you not think that full-disclosure is essential to establish your credibility, and avoiding even the slightest appearance of less than ethical behavior?

@ps yes I did disclose. Those that know me follow my threads.  A lot of folks have met me in person and some I’ve known for years on Audiogon.  If you don’t like my threads or posts you can ignore them. I initially was not affiliated with any brand.  I am now with Infigo  but I’m still an audiophile and I like to know what others in the hobby think and feel. I’m not worried about crediblity etc.  it only became an issue with you because I told you I could ask and start forums in CAPS if I choose to. Once again if this thread bothers you don’t have to post here.  I was not affiliated with any brands my first 15 years posting and now the last 5 I am.  I run a successful non audio related for the 23 years. I do a little audio related stuff on the side.  Those that care to meet me in person can at the SWAF in Dallas or AXPONA in Chicago. Take care buddy. Now let’s stay on message about the thread not me. Happy listening.  

@dean_palmer thats the best answer I’ve heard in a long time.  When you take all those principles into account. Do your research. Do a lot of trial and error and employ actual scientific principles you can create something that allows the most free flowing uninterrupted pathway and signal from your electronics to your speakers.