Showing 4 responses by mikepowellaudio


12,276 posts ??? Doesn't that mean 2 posts EVERY DAY for 16 YEARS ?? 

7306 posts ?? 2 posts EVERY DAY for 10 YEARS ?? 







@maxima95 because he did not put the context in which those were sold. He had just purchased a $15K DAC, was an existing client from years ago, so I threw the 3 power cables in at a very low price. I would do that for any returning Tribe member. ;-)  They are discounted down to $450 from that link in the video. 

@coralkong Im FAR from subversive about a sales pitch. Im a dealer and founded a cable brand. I am very outward that my channel is made in order to sell as the result im after. I dont want youtube stardom, I want your business. My options are to hide my intent or be outward with it. Im the outward guy. Isofar as ME telling YOU what YOU will hear, using words promising virtue and pleasure, THAT is subversive selling. Its very essence. I sell a result.. "It will beat what you have"  and I guarantee it 100%, or all your money back. There is no more simple and direct sales pitch ever spoken. Why would I treat you like a child and promise you fantasy or sell you a shiny thing ? I have more respect for myself and my buyers. I dont need to charm you into buying. My product proves itself and my client testimonials back it up. Words are cheap. I sell a result..  

The part that never ceases to perplex me is that I am on the buyers side.. I speak out against the industry and wear the black sheep moniker in order to expose the borderline contempt for the buyer in this industry. Then I offer solutions. If I cant find them, I build them. Yet, people still post threads like this to slam me... lol... 

@navyachts Fair enough, what does "Have at Err !" mean ? Perhaps I misinterpreted.. 

@cleeds when I say contempt for the buyer, I was speaking of the manufacturers not the dealers. Manufacturers are the ones that set the retail prices. I do believe there is such a thing as "contemptuous" pricing.. There's nothing wrong with free enterprise, but there's a line that's crossed at some point. (to me anyways)