Has your system evolved in the past 10 years?

Compared to 10 years ago, how has your system evolved if at all? The only piece I now have which I also had 10 years ago is my turntable, albeit my table isn’t what it was 10 years back- 

Of course my zerostat soldiers along since the 1980’s


Showing 1 response by retiredfarmer

Well ten years ago I had actively biamped Maggie 3.3 with moon W3 amps Theda transport and DAC. Krell KPa phono stage an argon aurum pre amp and Linn lp12. Lashed up with transparent wire. Same lp12 now an audio research phono stage. Sonic frontier transport and DAC. An Ayre k1xe. Still lashed up with transparent wire but most of it a level or two higher. And harbeths being driven by Levinson 33 monos. I went from a McIntosh Marie tuner on the main system to a mr71 McIntosh. So a basic change piece by piece. I really liked my old system as well as my new one. They are just different presentations. I now have all tube sources on the front end with solid state after that. My secondary system is the opposite solid state front end and tube preamplifier and tube monoblocks. Both systems are fun to listen to but paint a different picture to the music.