Has used prices of gear droppd, due to economy

I am wondering if this is a good time to buy some used amps, maybe prices have come down?

Showing 1 response by ckorody

first very early signs are here, lots of ads claiming they are selling to get cash due to lost jobs - but sad to say that Buconero and Kublakhan are right, it will get a lot worse

IMHO prices are down - or put another way the stuff that is moving is now selling for less then 50% of MSRP. I would buy what you need or really want - cash is king and as the guys point out, the way deep deals are still ahead

FWIW I have noticed that here on the 'Gon the mid Novemberer to Christmas time period is a very good time to buy since a lot of people seem to put up their "good stuff" during this period