Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?

Previously loved, slightly demo'ed....etc.  

Gosh, when I sell the old car I should not list it as "used" ....perhaps "formerly observed", "slightly touched",  "once considered",  "only driven by a Little Old Lady from Riverside, Ca."

But thankfully no items sold are "used" any longer, really helps my faith in the market.

"Creative writing and the Internet" should be a required course for all "Semi-liberal  arts" degrees"



Showing 11 responses by three_easy_payments

haha...exactly. Malaria is the worst analogy ever to COVID.  Malaria can't be spread from person to person.
MC has never met a topic he wasn't an expert in.  And the fact that he selflessly delivers truth to the masses via this forum has him jockeying with Gandhi for Humanitarian of the Century award.  The only thing he asks in return is for you to bow to him and his insatiable ego and perhaps leave a few gifts at his feet. 

The ones I just mentioned, were and still are DEADLY, but the one that gets left out and is a worldwide pandemic, every year..
Influenza X A LOT of different types
SARS, Covid is SARS

Let's be honest here.  Do you know how Many Americans die each year from malaria?  About 5.

Influenza? 12-61K annually, not 300K+ in 10 months.

SARS?  Ummmm.....zero

Ebola.....you got it zero.

Your comparison is extremely weak.

I said World Wide.

If Americans aren't contracting or dying from it then by definition it's not a pandemic.  period.
My point is that if only 5 Americans die from malaria each year then by definition it’s not a pandemic. SARS - bad analogy too....same with Ebola. These are not pandemics dude. No one in the US gets these diseases.

And how about your wonderful SARS analogy? Even during the 2003 outbreak only 8 Americans died of SARS. In fact only 8,000 people even got sick worldwide from SARS. This is why NONE of your examples are even close to being analogous to COVID.

Perhaps the best comparison to Covid is cigarettes which kills 480,000 americans each year. Pretty easy cure for that - ban cigarettes. Imagine the burden that would be alleviated from our healthcare resources and insurance premiums plus all the easy lives that would saved. A better argument would have been why aren’t we being as militant with cigarettes as we are COVID? That’s an awesome argument but sadly one you didn’t raise.
@glupson I'm the poster who mentioned elected officials (which would include PM Stefan Lofven).  I didn't reference the King...that was someone else.  I thought you were attacking me for suggesting elected officials have admitted failed policy when in fact only the King and no one else said this...which of course would be false.
The point about malaria is, it has been a world wide issue for MANY years. It is somewhat controlled. Yet every year thousands upon thousand are affected. It is an ongoing pandemic...

Malaria is the perfect example of an endemic, NOT a pandemic.  "Pan" means everywhere.  Malaria is endemic to parts of Africa (for example).  I think we are simply arguing about the definition of a pandemic and you're  a bit confused. Just look it up in Websters. If you can't contract it globally it cannot be a pandemic. Period.  It can be highly dangerous, lethal etc....but not a pandemic.
Sweden is a train wreck right now with 165 COVID deaths per day projected by Jan 1 as they have the steepest upward curve of anywhere on the globe right now. That’s in an entire country of only 10 million people. They have zero ICU capacity today. The herd immunity approach they employed failed by their own government’s admission. Not fake news, real words coming from real elected officials. Seriously?....that’s the gold standard example you really wanted to use @cd318 ???? Sweden?...wow.

Is Sweden's king an elected official?

Sweden has elections too.  In fact they have something like 8 different parties routinely on their ballot and it takes them months to sort out their results. They have a Parliament along with a King.  Don't pretend that their aren't elected officials in Sweden who also make public comments about COVID....seriously man?