Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?

Previously loved, slightly demo'ed....etc.  

Gosh, when I sell the old car I should not list it as "used" ....perhaps "formerly observed", "slightly touched",  "once considered",  "only driven by a Little Old Lady from Riverside, Ca."

But thankfully no items sold are "used" any longer, really helps my faith in the market.

"Creative writing and the Internet" should be a required course for all "Semi-liberal  arts" degrees"



Showing 4 responses by onhwy61

But there's more of my idiots than your idiots.  7 million active voters more.
Nonoise, you have to admit linking the election stealing demonic worshiping pedophiles with Hugo Chavez, Brian Kemp and Joe Stalin is something to be marvelled.  You're right, you can't make this stuff up!
Millercarbon is on to something, but he misses the mark.  If you notify the SSA that someone has died, then some states will remove that person from the voting pool.  Did a light bulb flash above your head?  It's all part of the steal, the biggest crime since "Crash" won best picture.