Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?

Previously loved, slightly demo'ed....etc.  

Gosh, when I sell the old car I should not list it as "used" ....perhaps "formerly observed", "slightly touched",  "once considered",  "only driven by a Little Old Lady from Riverside, Ca."

But thankfully no items sold are "used" any longer, really helps my faith in the market.

"Creative writing and the Internet" should be a required course for all "Semi-liberal  arts" degrees"



Showing 19 responses by nonoise

Not to sound any alarms but Covid has inter species jumped again, now to minks. They've found it in cats, dogs, snow leopards and a few other species as well but since it's a virus, it's to be expected. They just didn't think it'd happen so quickly.

So far, it doesn't indicate a jumping back in same or mutated form but only time will tell. tick, tick, tick.....

All the best,
Well, checking the "facts" shows more than 308K deaths from Covid so far and that exceeds WW II American deaths by quite some margin.

Just yesterday, 3,400 died and they're expecting over 3,000 dead per day for the foreseeable future. At that rate, expect 40K more dead by Christmas and maybe hit 400,000 by end of year if it rises at present rate. 

If anything, it's blushing in comparison.

All the best,

Just for kicks, go and google. "we want them infected" and see where it gets you. Actions like this should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

All the best,
There’s a reason it’s called "common courtesy" as it should take zero effort to act that way if one were properly raised.

All the best,
"Sometimes it's easier to ingest a lie than process the truth."
-Randi Rhodes
You do have to wonder about the intellectual, economic and social drag created by 50 million plus  brainwashed deplorables....
I've been observing that for the last 40 years. 👍

I just had a horrible thought: finally meeting MC or cd318 and finding myself conversing with a Melissa Carone clone. 

Gives one the shudders.....

All the best,
Leave it to MC to post right wing talking points that are circulating on the web. No need to read it yourself since he'll post it soon enough.

Kinda makes it insignificant, doncha think?
@cleeds ,
You're right in that those on the lower rungs of the ladder buy this hook, line, and sinker. It's those on the middle rungs and higher that know what they're doing. 

And, yes, they follow the same tactics on actual audio posts, here. 

@onhwy61 ,
I truly pity the job at hand that the next congress will have to endure once these madmen start the new session. 

All the best,
The sad and pitiful part of all of this is that those on the right vomiting already debunked BS know they are lying.

They do it in order to recruit those of low intellect and non critical thinking skills. It's a pathology of sorts to do such a thing and they get a kick out of it. That, and the pure sadism of inciting and trolling. These are some sick puppies, folks.

They did the very same thing to science climate and the warming of our planet. It's boilerplate tactics for them. You couldn't write this stuff up a decade ago and expect people to believe you that it would happen.

All the best,
MC, you're not all there, are you? Conflation and confusion seems to dominate your way of thinking. That, and outright fabrications, lies and mistruths. You're as far away from decency as anyone I've encountered.

You really can't be trusted to honestly present a differing point of view. Someone else pointed out in another thread that you said you didn't have Covid but some form of pneumonia. You never challenged that. How are the two relatable in this discussion? You know what, never mind. You're beyond hope, or rescue, for that matter, 

All the best,
MC, you’re like those Covid patients dying in Mid West hospitals, yelling and cursing with what breath they can muster, in a sealed tent, that they don’t have Covid and for the nurses and doctors to take off their PPE gear, right up until they’re intubated. Then they shut up.

All the best,
Nothing like old, disproven, right wing talking points to start the day, eh?
Also, that priorities spread that cd links to gives one the false impression that the virus only hits the aged, which is a lie that’s been dispelled quite some time ago. Here’s something much more representative of the actual spread of the virus in England as of July:

Tells quite a different story, wouldn’t one say?

All the best,
There was a merchant ship anchored in port that was not allowed to unload it's cargo during the black plague. The merchants kept complaining about loss of business until they finally unloaded the ship, killing the people of the city in the next few weeks. 

History does rhyme. Real world economics? Nice try.

All the best,
Anyone ever notice how causally some can drop politically stupid statements, proven to be false, and just keep going like it’s okay?

And when someone points it out, they are accused of being political and have their posts removed?

Talk about cancel culture, snowflakes and victimization. It's all projection.

All the best,