Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?

Previously loved, slightly demo'ed....etc.  

Gosh, when I sell the old car I should not list it as "used" ....perhaps "formerly observed", "slightly touched",  "once considered",  "only driven by a Little Old Lady from Riverside, Ca."

But thankfully no items sold are "used" any longer, really helps my faith in the market.

"Creative writing and the Internet" should be a required course for all "Semi-liberal  arts" degrees"



Showing 4 responses by mapman

Opinion | What the Science of Addiction Tells Us About Trump - POLITICO

Found this to be interesting. Rings true.

People are all fallible but responsible people fact check things as best they can before spreading rumors as is so easily done on the internet these days.

To not do that is being irresponsible. Being irresponsible is a bad thing. Look it up. Gotta keep track of these things, what is good and what is bad, carefully these days.

Opinions are OK. Just don’t pitch an opinion as documented fact.
Yup.  Believe the facts or baseless claims people make in hifi forums. 
Politically correct is just jargon that means caring about other people enough to watch what you might say due to desire to not offend others. Its the old “treat others like you would like to be treated yourself” thing. It’s a basic virtue related to good manners. Good manners have nothing to do with politics. Of course that will never prevent people from still being offended on occasion but it’s the thought that counts.
Financial transactions have nothing to do with being politically correct. Good ones benefit both sides. Similar to good manners which influence political correctness but different.