Has Linn Gone Crazy? They Stopped Making Pre-Amps

This was recently announced, but as yet has not been covered on Audiogon.

Linn Audio has stated that they will stop manufacturing dedicated pre-amps:


So, is Linn Crazy Like a Fox, or Just Crazy...

Showing 2 responses by charles1dad

I don't believe it is a matter of people innately disliking Linn. It is most probably people have found better sound quality and value with other products. It's an open marketplace with much competition. In my own experience some of the best sounding products are via the "smaller boutique" companies. I think most listeners appreciate new technology but ultimately it comes down to "how does it sound" rather than promises and hype. If the Linn approach/ direction is superior sounding people will take note.
Yes, that's the point. When all is said and done the products will ultimately be judged on how they sound, technology innovations aside.