Has everyone heard the Waif's?

Just wanted to make sure that everyone interested in folk, altcountry, Americana, etc music had checked out the Aussie band the Waif's. I was turned onto them a few years ago by my downstairs neighbor who hailed from Oz. I bring them up because I just threw on their fairly new (2005) live album, A Brief History of the Waif's, and it's so unbeleivably good I can't imagine anyone not liking it. Admittedly I may be a bit biased since I love this band, but I urge you to check them out. Either the live album mentioned already or their studio album Up All Night. Hopefully you'll thank me!

Showing 2 responses by smp

I second Jond's recommendation. The Waifs are from a small town not much more that a fishing village south of Perth, Western Australia. They perform in my home town of Perth quite regularly and are great live.They also have an extended play CD out but don't know the name.

Also check out two other excellent Aussies - Pete Murray, Feeler and the just released See the sun and Alex Lloyd - Distant Light, Black the sun,Watching angels mend and his latest self titled CD.

Good listening.
Live version of Bridal Train is playing in the background whilst I'm browsing Audiogon got me thinking of how spot on your comments were about participation in music threads - I'm a bit jaded by equipment posts at the moment and find myself flicking through CD NOW listening to 30 second bursts of music by artists which are unknown to me. It's amazing just what you will find - I stumbled over another great Oz group I hadn't played for a while - check out "Spirit of place" by Goanna (available from CD NOW). Released in 1982 but not dated in the least.Includes two excellent female singers as well - Marcia Howard has guested for Mary Black and Mary B has recorded some of Shane Howards (brother) music. Anyway suggest you give them a listen.
