Has everyone heard the Waif's?

Just wanted to make sure that everyone interested in folk, altcountry, Americana, etc music had checked out the Aussie band the Waif's. I was turned onto them a few years ago by my downstairs neighbor who hailed from Oz. I bring them up because I just threw on their fairly new (2005) live album, A Brief History of the Waif's, and it's so unbeleivably good I can't imagine anyone not liking it. Admittedly I may be a bit biased since I love this band, but I urge you to check them out. Either the live album mentioned already or their studio album Up All Night. Hopefully you'll thank me!

Showing 1 response by 213cobra

The Waifs' "Shelter Me" from 2004 is one of the cleanest, clearest, most alive pop CDs I've heard. Quite apart from the music, the production quality is sit-up-and-notice real. The music is expressive and worth the attention to detail invested in the recording, mastering, etc. It's a good demo CD for your system too, when you want to evangelize why hifi is worth a non-audiophile's time and money. It's real music that jumps right out of your system and grabs them by the throat without being an obvious demo, if you know what I mean. Good for expanding the community.
