This entire discussion goes back to the “buy the seller” concept. Do some due diligence, ask questions, look at feedback. F&F has become more a standard now as PayPal has implemented several new “security” policies that hold money, cause problems with transaction timing etc. Frankly, it is making PayPal less and less attractive to use as a whole. I use F&F now as a seller, I have deep feedback, all positive. If a potential buyer is not ok with that, that’s fine. I generally buy with F&F as well, unless I want to finance the purchase in some way. Then I usually negotiate with the seller at some level. Regarding insurance, as mentioned that’s on the seller. If the item gets lost or is DOA due to shipping damage, that’s on the seller. Their loss if they didn’t buy insurance. Postal insurance is a money grab, it rarely pays out if there is a problem that is shipping damage related. EBay’s systems are an exception. They do a pretty good job, oddly enough.