Has audiophilia changed your music taste?

Before I got into this hobby, I was big into heavy metal. I am very much into progressive bands like Dream Theater and Queensryche. My collection consisted of rock 90% and classical/jazz/other at 10%. Ever since I started getting into audio, my listening has changed and so has my music collection. What used to be 90/10, lean to rock, has changed to about 70/30 and changing weekly. Lately, I can't keep Patricia Barber off my system. I absolutely love her. The thing is, the other day I put on some Pat Travers and the listening only lasted about 30 minutes before it was back to Patricia Barber. For some reason, rock doesn't sound as good as it did before. Maybe it is my system or maybe it is me.

Anyone else like me?

Showing 1 response by sugarbrie

Not one single bit. I listen to music, not my system. I only own one "audiophile" recording, which is a Sheffield Lab's LP that I bought 25 years ago.

This was confirmed to myself at CES-2003 this past winter. I found that I did not stay very long in rooms that were playing music I did not care for, no matter how good it sounded. Some companies were using specially recorded CD's to show off their gear. The performances from a musicians standpoint on many of them made my skin crawl.