Has anyone used Viablue speaker cables?

I have seen them sold on different sites, but there are no reviews.

Showing 1 response by karelfd

My brother has recently substituted ViaBlue SC4 (in single wire configuration + SC4 bi-wire jumpers) for the Kimber 8PR he had between T+A A1520 amp and Klipsch RB81 speakers. The cable was used so whether it required burn-in we don't know. The effect was quite immediate: better bass (more extended as well as cleaner), somehow faster and a considerably deeper soundstage; The Klipsch seemed to be particularly comfortable with these cables. If you visit ViaBlue's webpage, you get a pretty good idea what the company is all about: very robustly manufactured parts at very down-to-earth prices (the latter at least in Germany). As we now found out, the sonic qualities are there to match. I use ViaBlue antenna cable, meanwhile.