Has anyone used electronic pocket scales for VTF?

I use pocket scale from http://www.saveonscales.com/pocket.html to set stylus tracking force sucessfully. These scales have 0.1 gram increments which should be good enough for VTF.

Showing 2 responses by eddaytona

Have one too. At less than $30 it is great. I see ones on sale here for hundreds of dollars! I find mine to be very accurate too.
"It works, but the problem is getting the right vertical height to place the scale so it is the same height as a record. I have to place the scale on a block off to the side of the platter, and then place the sytlus on the edge of the scale"

I can take my platter off the spindel. Then I place the scale on a small pad of paper with enough sheets taken off the pad so that the pad plus scale is the same height as the platter plus record. I measure dead-on with where the stylus would be on a record.

Takes about a minute more than the dedicated digital scales and you save at least $100!