Has Anyone Uesed A PrimaLuna Amp With Harbeth Speaker's

Hi guys, I will be on the market soon for a new amp and I keep looking at the Primaluna Amps, has anyone heard the Primaluna Dialogue Premium amp driving a pair of Harbeth's 30.1 speakers? these are 87d/b and I am not sure how this will work out?

Showing 8 responses by bluesy41

I own the PL Dialogue Premium HP amp with 8 KT150 and 12AU7’s per monoblock  to drive my Magnepan 20.7’s (87db) and the sound is truly glorious. I’m certain they will make your Harbeth’s sing.


Again I am spending an avg. of 3 plus hours a night listening to music since purchasing my PrimaLuna's. I have never ever achieved this type of music satisfaction in my home before.

PL Dialogue Premium Preamp

PL Dialogue Premium HP Amps
Magnepan 20.7 speakers

Tara Labs 0.8 speaker and interconnect cables



Another good thing about PL is that you can tube roll and tailor the sound to your listening preference. I had to forgo the silk smooth EL34's for the more powerful KT150's. I replaced the standard 12AU7's that come with the amplifiers with Brimar and Mullard tubes. The sound is absolutely glorious.



I can’t explain your bad experience but I can say my experience with PrimaLuna has been nothing but musically satisfying. I feel that it’s truly one of the best bargains in highend audio and I’m not meaning that as a slight to PL. I think companies like ARC, Ayre, VTL, CJ and others make great products but for me I couldn’t be more satisfied with my PrimaLuna components. Music is fun again and to me that’s what it’s all about. At the end of the day we all hear differently so buy what makes you tap your feet and what makes you smile. For me it’s freaking PrimaLuna!

Hey for any of you guys that question PrimaLuna in the Seattle area I invite you to come to my home and listen to them make my Magnepan 20.7’s sing. Again a speaker that is deemed a power hog and at 87db has never sounded so go in my listen room. No bullshit I get chills when I’m listening to music and a lot of that is due to PL and it’s amazing build and sound quality.



This is spot on and I share the same sentiments. I don’t know all the audiophile terms to describe music but I do know what makes my fingers snap, feet tap, head bob and what brings me a smile of sheer enjoyment. I love my PrimaLuna and I don’t care what anyone else may say or think. My friends and family will tell you that I have the most incredible concerts in my listening room every night at 7 PM. General admission is, however it’s a BYOD type of party...LOL!


@clarintmonster2 - Damn I hate that you had a bad experience but you’re really missing out on a high end gem in PL. I have replaced my Audio Research amp and preamp with PL and haven’t looked back. My Magnepans have never ever sounded so good. I got to hear some Harbeth’s as i was auditioning a turntable and they are good sounding speakers that I believe PL’s with the right tubes (amp) would provide you with a fantastic listening enjoyment. Get you pair of PL Dialogue Premium HP amps and take the saving and buy your significant other something nice...LOL


Kevin is a good honest, no nonsense type of guy. You should really give him another chance. One of the few straight shooters I've dealt with in audio.
