I use them in conjunction with another vibration damping/isolation product, the K-Works IsobaseKs (a product involving innertubes, silicone damping, and sand and lead damping), under my Forsell transport, modded Sony SCD 777ES and Lamm amplifiers. They certainly look great, and work very well by themselves, resulting in a blacker background and better retrieval of low-level detail from the source they're on, but in my trial and error testing I found that they also damped the sound slightly more than I wanted, a function I believe I'd attribute in large part to the acryllic platform (based on my experiments using the IsobaseK on top of and below the upper portion of the platform). I preferred the IsobaseK by itself to the Cloud 10 by itself, feeling they both did an excellent job but that the IsobaseK permitted a little "air" or spaciousness to get through as opposed to the Cloud 10. But when I used them together (IsobaseK on top of the Cloud 10 platform, not under the top platform in place of the balls), the results were better than just using one of these devices, so that's what I wound up doing. You should consider a Cloud 11 as well as the Cloud 10, as the top platform of the Cloud 11 is a little more stable than the Cloud 10's due to deeper cups to hold the supporting balls, a factor to consider if you want to slide around a heavy component on top of the platform to center it. Not a problem once set in place, but a nuisance in set-up and when I move equipment.