I actually have tested $5000-$18000 power cords and in my
opinion the CPT cords will definitely NOT sound broken compared to any power
cord you test them against, regardless of that power cables price point. I would
put the CPT cord in my top 3 favorite power cords. Keeping in mind there is no
best but rather best your system and your ears. We have tested over 400
different cable models, not brands but models and truth be told there are a ton
of different cable flavors. For my system, after auditioning over 90 different
power cable models, I now play with 3 different power cords in my system and
the CPT cords are in my top 3 power cables of all time. Every time I added a
CPT cord to my reference system, the system had more resolution, more
information and more inner detail. The bass was much easier to locate in the
soundstage and the midrange sounded more like a SET midrange. The system became
more holographic. Usually there are trade-offs when you switch from cable to
cable but I have not found any trade-offs with the CPT power cords. They do
however take 150 hours to break in and the first 50 hours are a little painful.
It is interesting to hear
people say the word "best" because I have not heard best but rather
system matching in regard to cabling. I have heard bad cables that just never
opened up or cables that were thin sounding with a lack of bottom end and that
type of cable is not for me. We have seen approximately10 sets of HF cables
come in on trade, no power cables from HF and I thought the RCA cables sounded
good but they were not the best for the person that traded them in to my
The one thing I find funny
is people coming on forums and saying they have not tried the product that the
original post was about but then that same person says they have heard a better
product. I also wonder why people equate spending huge funds on cables, to
making the cable sound much better. I have heard some pretty darn good
sounding sub $1000 cables and that is another reason I like the CPT cords, no
gouging from CPT.
We are an audio
distribution company in Canada and we like the CPT product so much that we
decided to distribute the CPT cords in Canada. My suggestion would be to try a
CPT cord against what you consider your favorite power cord because you might
just be shocked, as I was!
No the 30 amp circuit, does NOT sound better and yes I have one in my house. I have done direst comparisons and it was not close. I always say the same thing on these forums; how can you comment on a product you have not tried. We have tested over 90 different power cords and 60 plus different conditioning systems and CPT is in my top 3 products with the other 2 products costing stupid money. Truth be told other 2 products were not better, just different. These are just my opinions but minimum I can say is at least I have done the actual comparisons.
Truthfully, I am saying that after 40 years of experience in audio, lowering the noise floor is super important. There is no best 30 amp circuit. There is no best anything in audio but rather a stunning match of equipment.
CPT lowers your noise floor without any negative effects in my opinion. My system has been looked at by the Local Town of Whitby that I live in. Measured and re-calibrated. Is it the best, there is no best but they spent several days in my city making sure it was up and above code. Contact me and I will send you some pics.
Cheers but again everyone is allowed their own opinion.
I have a passive conditioner that I plug my CPT 300 into and than I have been slowly replacing all other power cables to each piece of equipment with CPT cords. This has resulted in my system playing at a complete new level. I have also tried CPT cords directly to the duplex and it worked exactly the same. I would say if you do not need the conditioner after trying a CPT cord than get the conditioner out of the chain but if you feel the conditioner is a noticeable improvement, than keep it. I will probably be selling my passive conditioner.
The CPT cords do need a couple of hundred hours before critical listening and 50 hours minimum for them to open up but truth be told, the noise floor drops so dramatically that you can hear it right from the first minute you install the cord.
I also go directly from my Lumin to my amplifiers but I do like to swap out amplifiers from time to time. We found that after trying many different outboard dacs from $15000 and down into the Lumin; just running the Lumin on it's own was pure magic. I will say that after testing over 90 different power cords, the CPT 150 was the best match we have heard with Lumin or any digital product we has tested, It took about 20 minutes total before we knew the CPT was a stunning match for Lumin. It only got better over the next 500 hours. We have tried 4 different Lumin products and CPT is the power product for Lumin, in my opinion.
Yes I did try a 300 on my Lumin. The results were exactly the same as a 150.
Hi Ozzy,
Here is exactly what I stated in an earlier post on this thread;
We are an audio
distribution company in Canada and we like the CPT product so much that we
decided to distribute the CPT cords in Canada. My suggestion would be to try a
CPT cord against what you consider your favorite power cord because you might
just be shocked, as I was!
Ozzy with the amount of equipment you have purchased off my company, you should know we are always 100% up front.
Hi Calloway; Sounds like you do your testing exactly the same as my group
of friends and myself. We are also going to be testing the HF cable (HF CT-1
Enhanced) against a CPT 300. I have had my CPT cables for a few months and they
sound very different at 500 plus hours than they did at 50 hours. When we do
our testing we will take the time to allow the HF cable a break in time of minimum
500 hours because we want to be totally accurate on our comparison. Perhaps someone out there could tell me if 500
hours is long enough of a break in for HF power cables because I know that 500
hours is just where the CPT cords really open up and start to play the whole
frequency range.
Thank you both for your suggestions and we will definitely use 500 hours as a minimum for the burn in time, just to be fair to both manufactures. We have also found that moving cables can have a negative effect and even unplugging a cable causes a difference in the soundstage. Our thoughts are to test the HF cable first and than plug in the CPT and wait 30 minutes before listening to the CPT cable. Ideally we like to let a cable settle for 24 hours but this would not be practical for this comparison.
In my system the CPT has a dramatic effect on my Lumin, so I will swap out cables on my Lumin.
Hi lak,
So are you saying there is no way to do a fair comparison test with HF cables? We have only tested 300 plus different cable models, not brands but cable models. I think we can figure out how to do this comparison properly. We understand that no test is perfect but testing cables is not super complicated. Ideally we would like 24 hours between moving a cable and listening to a cable but that will not be possible and neither is it with most cables that are reviewed in a comparison test. There will be 6 open minded people at the listening session and we are all very experienced when it comes to evaluating cables. Some times it just comes downs to different flavors, sometimes it comes down to where each cable has their own strengths/weakness and other times there is just a clear all around winner.
Hi lak,
Would your suggestion be to put the CPT cord on first for the test after the HF cord is fully broken in. Maybe put the CPT cord on for about a week after the HF cord is broken in? Than do the comparison that way? The reason I ask is because I do have a couple of clients in the US with HF power cords and they told me that when they bought the cords originally they thought the cords were having an effect on their electronics but now they are not so sure.
I know for myself, I do not do any critical listening on any new products because the sound of that product changes with time and I do not want to give myself any false impressions. I am really looking forward to hearing the HF cord because of all the great press.
lak have you actually tried the CPT cords, just curious?
Thanks for the advice on the HF power cables. We have had several HF RCA interconnects traded in and we did test them to for about a week to make sure they were working properly; they did change sound wise with time but it was not dramatic. Maybe they needed more time on my reference system.
Barcardi the HF power cable we will be testing is the Enhanced, not the Ultimate. I agree with you 100% that the CPT power cable can transform a system and they have certainly taken my reference system to another level. Should be a great comparison test between HF and CPT.
We have tried the CPT cords with several conditioners including the Audience. My preference has been straight to the wall but a good passive conditioner also works great with the CPT cords. We will be trying the Acoustic Revive passive conditioner in the near future with the CPT cords.
My understanding is the 1200 and 1800 will be ready mid June to the end of June, somewhere in that time frame.
Hi yping,
Have you tried the CPT cords?
It would be interesting if CPT ever came out with a REFERENCE cord at say $1000 and it was even better than their current cord. I not saying that will ever happen but when you start comparing a $800 power cord to a $13000 power cord; that certainly does say something about the "law of diminishing returns". Glad to hear you like the CPT cord.
update on my 2 CPT 150 cords. I am now over 1000 hours on the break
in process of these 2 cords and to be honest they did continue to
past the 500 hour mark.
had been playing a bit with my previous reference power cord and the
CPT cords to compare the differences. I will try and explain but it might not come out perfect.
I connected my first CPT 150 on my Lumin server, it was an
unbelievable experience that I only experience about once every ten years in
regard to audio; it was like being at the recording studio during a live
session. The first cord broke in for about 300 hours
and then I connected my second CPT 150 on my integrated. The second CPT
150 was
not as immediate
and in fact at first I thought my previous reference power cord sounded slightly
better. I let the new CPT 150 break in for a week on the integrated and
indeed things did improve. I then swapped back to my previous reference
power cord and again I thought the reference was slightly
better so I let my previous reference cord stay on the system for a couple of
days but during those 2 days I knew something was not right. I could
not put my finger on it until I switched back to the CPT 150 and then it
became clear when listening to a guitar solo;
the guitar strings resonate with the CPT 150 as if you were sitting in
front of the guitar player. With my previous reference, you were 10 rows
back listening to the guitar and not really getting the full effect or
even the emotion of the song. Sure enough
around 500 hours in the 2nd CPT 150 did things my previous reference cord never
did but what has really blown me away is that after 1000 hours the CPT
150 has continued to improve. In the last month I have had more
compliments on my system than I have had in my life.
Even my one buddy that always finds something to complain about, said
and I quote "this is the best system I have ever heard" wish I could
have recorded that moment. I have hit a point with my system that I am
not thinking about making any changes anywhere
and that tells me that these CPT cords are very special.
Over the years I have
done several things that improved my system and these are the things that
actually really worked;
Anti vibration stand and
Acoustic Revive RR-888
Acoustic Revive RCG-24 grounding
Shorting plugs in my
integrated from Acoustic Revive
Lifting the speaker
cables off the floor
Separating the RCA
Last but not least, CPT
power cords
I believe all these
pieces have lowered the noise floor without having any negative effects. I have
A/B over 300 different cable models including 91 power cords. I really enjoy
how live my system sounds with zero brightness. The system is very dynamic and
the micro detail is right there which allows the emotion of the artist to come
through on every song. I have tried removing some of the above pieces but
something gets lost when I take even one unit out of the system.
I think there comes a
point when a system gets real good and if you do make changes, be careful not
to screw it up, that is where I am at. Will I change something over a period of
time, sure but not this year.
a quick note to all Canadian posters on this forum. All sales of Core
Power Technology products in Canada are through Worldwide Wholesales,
just outside of Toronto Canada.
pricing is on our website; worldwidewholesales.com Email; info@worldwidewholesales.com Phone; 519-619-9924
Currently the CPT1800 is back ordered 2 weeks.
I have been playing with the tweak for about 1 week and I will continue playing until the end of Jan. I like to be 100% sure before I make recommendations but when I remove the device I can definitely hear a difference. Right out of the box the CPT cords are good and with time they get much better. I did however want to play and see if there was room for improvement and indeed they can be tweaked.
I will say that CPT cords are anything but AVERAGE. We have tested them against most of our reference power cords and we are at 94 power cords tested, there is nothing average about CPT cords. By far one of the best power cords we have tested, under $5000, crazy value.
Happy New Year to everyone.
Yes I have owned the Nordost QB8 with Qv4 and you would need
to try them all together because I never tried the Nordost and CPT products at
the same time. Personally I always look at "law of diminishing returns" and if I
could find less expensive products to combine with the CPT cords, that is the
way I would go.
I have had a 1200 in my system for less than a month and it
really took the picture on my 112" screen to a complete different level. Currently
I am running my server on an individual CPT cord and I will be playing with individual
CPT cords versus the 1200 for the month of January, just to hear the
In regard to audio, I am still experimenting with CPT to see
how far I can take CPT but I have found a very nice tweak that takes the CPT
product to the next level. I am very impressed with CPT.
I think after 40 years of playing
with audio and testing almost 400 different cables, I have figured out that
cables can be system dependent and preference but I can also tell you from my
experience, the CPT cords are anything but average.
I would say if you are getting
average results from a CPT cord than move it around to other components and
play with what I consider a world class power cord based on a ton of power
cable comparisons. If the CPT cord still sounds average at that point than you
might want to look at some other issue. Yes cables are system dependent and yes
they can be preference based but the CPT cords are the only power cord we have
tested that does not add anything to the sound and instead just cleans up
things. I have tested other power cables that did add a little sizzle, so the
end user thinks there is more going on but the CPT cords just take the noise out
of the system and then tell you what your system sounds like.
That's my opinion and every
person I have sold a CPT cord agrees with me. We have been selling the CPT
cords since the company was started, with zero returns. I not saying you're not
hearing what you are hearing in your system but "average" is the
total opposite of what people are saying about CPT cords.
If you want to contact me at
I would be happy to forward you a
ton of end users emails that have previously had very high quality, expensive power cables
and they are all telling me that the CPT power cords are the best cable they have
ever heard. Personally I do not really believe in "best" but CPT
power cords certainly are not average.
I wanted to check with a few of my clients that are running very similar equipment to your equipment before I posted and in fact we sold a CPT 300 to a Lamp 7 owner just before Christmas. We have 2 VAC preamp owners and 2 Sony HAP-Z1ES
owners and all with great things to report in regard to CPT cords. The 2 Sony clients were both re-order clients. Hope this helps.
Interesting to see a person with 2 post and a person that just joined Audiogon on
Aug 22, 2016
put another experienced member of Audiogon down. Perhaps you would like to give everyone your extensive experience and expertise of the CPT cords?
As the Canadian distributor for CPT power cords we have been
enjoying the companies products since the first day we hooked them up
but we did want to see if we could take them to a whole new level. We
played with various tweaks and did find one stand
out product that worked extremely well with the CPT products. Most
people on these forums have heard of Akiko, a small Dutch company that
makes some excellent tuning products. There is an old saying "I like the
company so much that I bought it", truth is I
didn't buy the company but I liked the Akiko products so much that we
decided to distribute Akiko throughout North America.
We have tried all CPT products over the past month and from our
test results the two stand out Akiko products that worked extremely well
in conjunction with the CPT products were the Akiko Corelli and the
E-Tuning Gold MK2 stick.
Last month we installed the E-tuning stick directly onto the CPT
300 power cord which has been in our reference system for over six
months. We started by putting the E-tuning stick before the transformer
and the results were good with noticeable improvement
in several areas but when we put the E-tuning stick after the
transformer on the CPT 300, improvements were even more substantial.
Next thing we did was try two E-tuning sticks on the same CPT 300 power
cord, one before the transformer and one after the transformer.
This combination resulted in significant gains. The noise floor dropped,
imaging was more focused, bass response was tighter and there was more
decay of the instruments. Next thing we did was plug the Akiko Corelli directly into our CPT
1200 which the CPT 300 is also plugged into. My reference system has
always been very good but when we plugged the Corelli into the CPT 1200
it was if we had combined a high end digital
system with a high end analogue system. The whole system became
virtually holographic with decay and air that I have never heard before
in any of my set-ups. I could almost feel the air around the performer
and truthfully throughout my whole listening room.
At first there was so much air that it was eerie even though it was a
new experience for me. A lot like being at a live venue but eventually it
became my new favorite thing for my current system. Connecting the
Corelli to the 1200 made every song sound like
a new one with greater presence, feeling of emotion, passion and harmonics to each
and every song. Other aspects of the CPT/ Corelli combo was much better separation from left to right, isolated depth and precise
placement. I now have five distinct separate locations.
Singers are clearly 2-3 feet apart from each other with the CPT/Corelli
combo in place. When I remove the Corelli piece, the singers lost the separation and in fact sometimes they were not even
separated at all. The singers vocally are now clearly
5-6' high and the guitars are about 3' high how they should be. When I
listened to the same songs previously before the CPT/Akiko combo, I
could not distinguish between the height of each singer and whether they
were beside or in front of each other singing...
I could go on but I will put it this way; I have done many other expensive upgrades over the years but for
$2600 total funds, I have never heard what I am experiencing with the
Akiko upgrades and the CPT combined together. To put this in
prospective. We have tested over 60 different conditioning
systems from $24,000 down and the combination of CPT and Akiko is the
best conditioning system I have heard in my system to date.......